Golf event benefits Akron Children’s

The second annual “Clubs for Kids” Golf Classic to benefit Akron Children’s Hospital Mahoning Valley will be held on Aug. 1 at The Lake Club, 1140 Paulin Road, in Poland.

Registration and lunch will begin at 11 a.m. and the golf tournament will begin at noon. The event will conclude with a cocktail reception, dinner, presentation of prizes, and silent auction. A limited number of team sponsorships and reception-only tickets are available.

Prior to the adult event, a Youth Clinic, sponsored by the Tod Family Foundation, will be held from 9-11 a.m. The youth clinic will feature three stations for young golfers in three age groups; 6–8 years, 9–11 and 12–14. The youth clinic will include an observation station focusing on grip, stance, posture and alignment; a hands-on chipping and pitching instruction station, and a putting contest.

The Clubs for Kids Youth Clinic will conclude with lunch and each young golfer will receive a goodie bag, $20 gift certificate and prizes. Cost for the Youth Clinic is $10 per participant.

Call JoAnn Stock, Akron Children’s Director of Development, at 330-746-9122 or visit for registration and more information.

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