Governor takes quick action

Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, S.D.: It’s impressive to see change within a day or two when it comes to government actions.

Recently, long wait lines, a non-renewed contract for the driver’s license exam center at the Minnehaha County Courthouse and general unrest meant residents were complaining and calling for change. Within a day, Gov. Dennis Daugaard announced a six-part plan that included kiosks, hiring more staff, extended hours and more.

Sometimes we get jaded and think it is so unlike government to listen to complaints of problems and implement changes. It’s nice to see that leadership and response on this issue in a common-sense way. Daugaard said he wouldn’t appreciate standing in line two hours to renew his driver’s license and others shouldn’t do it either.

When voters elected Daugaard, we called on him to be a leader, and these swift resolutions are a good example of how he steps up to solve problems. We’d like to see that approach become consistent on issues such as low-grade gasoline, but we appreciate the recent driver’s license exam solutions.

Daugaard meets each Monday afternoon with a group of six of his advisers and hashes out issues. That seems like a good model for considering various sides of an issue and making thoughtful decisions.

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