Board finalizes resolution on levy



The Boardman school board finalized the resolution to place a 3.9 mill, three-year emergency levy on the Nov. 6 ballot.

The levy would generate about $3.1 million annually.

The cost for a home valued at $100,000 would be $119.44 a year or 33 cents a day, said Rich Santilli, school district treasurer.

“This will be used to fund instructional and operational services at seven [school] buildings, the bus garage and the maintenance building,” Santilli said.

In the last two years, the district has lost $2.66 million in personal property tax money and state funding. Without taking action, the board projects a deficit of over $3.5 million by the end of 2015.

In other business at its meeting Monday, the board announced that the school district is looking for a new director of operations.

The board accepted the resignation of James Massey, a 43-year veteran of the district.

Massey began his tenure in the district as a machinist. During his time in Boardman, he worked as a teacher, coach, assistant principal and principal, before moving to the central office in 2000. There he worked as the special programs supervisor until he became the director of operations in 2004.

His resignation is effective Aug. 31.

“Jim will be sorely missed for his great connection he had with classified employees,” said Frank Lazzeri, superintendent.

“Jim had been there and they appreciated all that he did for them. He was always fair. So he will be missed by all of us, especially me, so thank you, Jim.”

Massey’s plans include playing golf and traveling.

“I’ve been blessed,” he said. “I’ve been very fortunate to have the jobs that I’ve had.”

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