Yankowski-Lytle wedding vows planned for Oct.

Gary and Joyce Yankowski of Canfield are announcing the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Stacey M. Yankowski, to Lance J. Lytle, both of Boardman. The future groom is the son of William Lytle of Houston and Linda Lytle, also of Houston.
The couple’s open ceremony will take place at 2:30 p.m. Oct. 13 at Western Reserve United Methodist Church in Canfield.
Invitations will be extended for an evening reception at The Embassy in Struthers.
The bride-elect attended Youngstown State University and earned a degree as a scrub nurse from Choffin School of Surgical Technology.
She is employed at Southwoods Surgical Hospital in Boardman.
The prospective groom attended Lonestar College and is studying computer science at YSU.
He works as an assistant manager at Ruby Tuesday Restaurant in Canfield. He served in the U.S. Army and was stationed in Germany.