Children’s Place to open new store

Children’s Place to open new store


The Children’s Place will open a new store in the Dillard’s Concourse of Eastwood Mall in Niles in November.

This specialty merchant will occupy more than 3,500 square feet of space next to BAM!

The Children’s Place will offer a broad selection of shoes, pants, shirts, jeans, dresses, school uniforms and much more in sizes ranging from newborn to larger children’s sizes.

The Eastwood Mall Complex is owned and managed in association with Cafaro-affiliated companies, based in Youngstown.

40 Under 40 now 25 Under 35


A Valley awards program is undergoing a significant change. The Mahoning Valley Young Professionals, in partnership with the Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley, has announced that the 40 Under 40 Awards will be the 25 Under 35 Awards.

For its eighth year of honoring the Mahoning Valley’s best and brightest young professionals, the event planning committee decided it was time for a makeover.

Creating, retaining jobs in the Valley


Economic-development agencies in the Mahoning Valley assisted in creating or retaining 2,713 jobs in 2011 with investments totaling more than $272 million, according to the annual Economic Development Report Card being released this week by the Valley’s major economic-development organizations.

The sixth annual Valley economic-development report for the Valley shows that the agencies were involved in 104 projects that resulted in investments totaling $272,819,832, producing 1,552 new jobs and retaining/maintaining 1,166 jobs.

Pizzelles celebration


Just Pizzelles is celebrating the one-year anniversary of opening its retail location in Cortland and the grand opening of a new venture Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

In the same location, owner Christina Benton has opened Silver & Slate, a parlour and gift shop. The location also has been used for tea parties; showers or hostess parties; meetings for clubs, groups, committees; and kids’ themed parties by reservation.

Driving down yields

State College, Pa. says the ongoing drought and Corn Belt disaster is likely to further drive down yields in the U.S. for 2012.

Despite the most acres of corn planted since the 1930s and high expectations this spring by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for this year’s crop, the 2012 yield is likely to be even lower than current official government forecasts.

In June, the USDA was projecting a record 166 bushels of corn per acre to be harvested this fall. That projected yield has been pushed down to 146 bushels per acre as of mid-July.

Vindicator staff reports

Selected local stocks


Aqua America, .66, 26.66 .26

Avalon Holdings,4.12.00

Clear Channel, .73 65.14 —.28

Cortland Bancorp, 9.60.00

Farmers Nat., .125.66 —.30

First Energy, 2.20, 50.36.10

FirstMerit Corp., .64,16.32 —.21

First Niles Financial, .32,8.05.00

First Place Fin., .80.00

FNB Corp., .48,11.13—.15

General Motors,19.36—.77

General Electric, .68,19.86.06

Motors Liquidation, .0422.00

Huntington Bank, .16, 6.34—.205

JP Morgan Chase, 1.20,33.91—.55

Key Corp, .20,7.89—.02

LaFarge, 10.72 —.37

Macy’s, .80, 35.61.12

Parker Hannifin, 1.64, 76.94—.89

PNC, 1.60,59.17—2.15

RTI Intl. Metals,22.27—.41

Simon Prop. Grp.,4.00,157.07—1.06

Stoneridge 6.14 —.26

United Community Fin. 2.84—.1458

Selected prices at 4 p.m. Friday. Provided by Stifel Nicolaus. Not to be construed as an offer or recommendation to buy or sell any security.

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