YSU creates psychology program

Staff report


Amy Gordon of Poland is one of 12 students accepted into the first class of Youngstown State University’s new graduate-level school psychology program.

The program, the first of its kind in Ohio in more than 40 years, was created to address the critical shortage of school psychologists locally and across the nation.

“It is an honor to introduce such a strong group of professionals into the new program,” said Audrey Ellenwood, director of the new school psychology program. “The 12 school psychology students, which is a full complement, have extensive experience and training in the areas of education and psychology. They are enthusiastic, knowledgeable and ready to start.”

The new Educational Specialist Degree in School Psychology is the first Ed.S. degree at YSU. After completion of the program, graduates are eligible for licensure in Ohio as school psychologists after they successfully pass the Praxis Exam in School Psychology.

The new degree was established to respond to a continuing shortage of school psychologists.

The National Association of School Psychologists estimates a shortage of nearly 9,000 school psychologists nationwide and predicts that the shortage could increase to nearly 15,000 by 2020.

School psychologists help youths succeed academically, socially, behaviorally and emotionally. They collaborate with educators, parents and other professionals to create safe, healthy and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections among home, school and the community for all students.

Graduates of the new YSU program will earn two degrees: a master’s of education in Intervention Services and an Ed.S. in School Psychology.

The three-year program includes a one-year paid internship in a public school district.

The YSU program is one of a small number nationally that focuses on low-incidence disabilities, which can include blindness, deafness and autism, along with the more typical training in high-incidence disabilities, such as speech and language impairments and learning disabilities.

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