Third-graders walk through history

Neighbors | Abby Slanker.Hilltop Elementary third-grade students visited the Canfield Historical Society’s Bond House during the Canfield History Walking Tour June 5. Their teacher, Jenny Beil (front left) is one of the originators of the historical walking tour.

Neighbors | Abby Slanker.A Hilltop Elementary School third-grade class learned the history of the Old Mahoning County Courthouse during their Canfield History Walking Tour on June 5.

Neighbors | Abby Slanker.Laura Zeh (left), Canfield Historical Society curator, spoke to Hilltop Elementary School third-graders at the Bond House during their Canfield History Walking Tour on June 5. She showed the students historical objects and let them guess what they were used for.
Even though Hilltop Elementary School third-graders had to reschedule their Canfield History Walking Tour due to the rainy weather, it didn’t dampen their spirits once they finally started exploring the village green and surrounding areas. The students visited several historical sites and buildings during the day-long tour on June 5.
This was the second year of the tour, which was originally created by Hilltop Elementary School third-grade teacher Jenny Beil and C.H. Campbell third-grade teachers Marian Bailey and Heidi Snyder. The teachers researched the historical stops to correlate with third-grade content standards, which includes learning about your community.
Stops on the tour included the Ruggles-Coope House, Olde Courthouse, Christian Church, Odd Fellows Hall, Methodist Church, the Green and bandstand, Farmers National Bank, Mahoning Dispatch, Township Hall, War Vets Museum, Canfield Historical Society’s Bond House, Presbyterian Church, Canfield Village Middle School, Old Turner School and WPA Building, and Old Texaco Station (circa 1938).
With the exception of the Mahoning Dispatch, War Vets Museum and Bond House, the third-grade teachers relayed the history of the locations to the students, highlighting the Ohio Historical Markers at the sites. The students received tours of the Mahoning Dispatch, War Vets Museum and Bond House, with presentations from volunteers at those buildings.
At the Bond House, students were treated to a history lesson of the house from Laura Zeh, Canfield Historical Society curator. Zeh told the students the story of how the society came to own the Bond House and the history of the families who owned it prior to the society obtaining it. She also invited the students to come to the Bond House if they ever need help with school.
“If you need information for a school report, we can help you with that. You are welcome to come here any time and we will help you,” Zeh told the students.
Zeh pointed out several historical objects to the students, explaining the historical significance of each one. She first showed them a stereo optic viewer, which was a children’s toy. She also pointed out a clock on the wall, which was called a wag, and showed the students the society’s Waterford crystal collection. She then highlighted several Civil War-era dresses which the students admired from afar.
Prior to the walking tour, both Hilltop and C.H. Campbell third-grade students created postcards of historical locations in Canfield. The postcards were on display at the Bond House and while they were there, the students voted on their favorite from the C.H. Campbell third-graders.
The students also participated in the “Where’s Snoopy in Canfield” project, which required the students to pick a historical location in Canfield, from 30 possible locations. The students then visited their selection, including the historical marker, and had a picture taken of themselves, along with their Snoopy, and wrote a riddle about the location so other students could guess the location.