Dattilio-Bellotta wedding planned for Las Vegas

Amy E.C. Dattilio and Phillip M. Bellotta, both of Canfield, are announcing their engagement and upcoming wedding.

The bride-elect is the daughter of Ann Dattilio of Winona and the late Herb Dattilio. The prospective groom is the son of Mitchell and Nancy Bellotta of Canfield.

West Lawn Garden at The Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas will be the setting of the August ceremony. A reception is being planned in Winona.

The bride-to-be received a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Youngstown State University and works as an electrical engineer for IES Systems, Inc. in Canfield.

The future groom earned a bachelor’s degree in exercise science from YSU and is employed as an exercise science instructor by MCCTC in Canfield.

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