William Penn Fraternal Association is sponsoring its annual end-of-summer picnic Sept. 8 at Penn Scenic View Park, near Rockwood, Pa. A 46-seat bus has been chartered by Youngstown Branch 28 to attend this event. The bus fee is $35 per person, which covers transportation and admission to the picnic. To make a reservation call 330-746-7704 or 330-549-2935. After making a reservation, payment of $35 confirms your seat on the bus. Make checks payable to William Penn Branch 28, and mail to William Penn Association, c/o 1606 Albert St., Youngstown, OH 44505. Refunds will be available on a cancellation made before Sept. 1. The cost of the picnic, without the bus trip, is $12 per adult and $5 per student for all you can eat and drink all day. The event begins at noon and ends around 6 p.m. The bus will leave Boardman Red Lobster at 8 a.m. and arrive back at about 9 p.m.
Sulmona Valley Auxiliary will meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Catherine Ricottilli for the annual picnic. Telephone committee will be calling to take reservations. Chairwoman is Ricottilli, and Arlene DeChellis and Sandy Miletta are on the committee.
American Sewing Guild-Niles Chapter Neighborhood Groups has the following meeting scheduled: Southington So Sews meets at 9:30 a.m. Monday at Southington Christian Church, state Route 534. The program is Christmas in July with Jennie Roberts. Call 330-538-2819 for more information.
Girard Men’s Democrat Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Parkwood Youth Center, Lamancusa Hall.
St. Rose Quilting Group will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the parish house.
Youngstown South Christian Women’s Connection will have a “Designing Women” luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Aug. 8 at Avion on the Water Banquet Center, 2177 W. Western Reserve Road, Canfield. It will feature Premier Design Jewelry. Music will be by Julie Palumbo, and Sue Balsinger of Pittsburgh will speak about “Designs for Life.” The cost of $13 includes lunch. Reservations are essential by Aug. 1. Call 330-793-6676 or 330-758-6049.
Girard-Liberty Kiwanis will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at The Golf Dome, 1300 N. State St., Girard.
D.A.R.E. Singles Group, a social group for divorced, widowed and separated people, meets at 7:30 p.m. each Thursday at Disciples Christian Church, 565 Boardman-Canfield Road. The following activities are scheduled: Tuesday, Pub of the Month with See the World Tours, Chop House, 7:30 p.m.; Wednesday, short holes golf at Mill Creek, McCollum Road, 6 p.m.; Thursday, game night at the church, 7:30 p.m.; July 28, bowling at Boardman Lanes, 7:30 p.m.
Alzheimer Network Family Support Groups will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Easter Seals Adult Day Program Meeting Room, 721 Boardman-Poland Road; and at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Emmanuel Lutheran Education Building, 251 S. Broadway Ave., Salem. For information call 330-788-9755.
Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Common Ground Church Community, 2310 W. South Range Road, North Lima. For information call the association at 330-650-0552 or 800-272-3900.
American Chronic Pain Association Support Group will meet at noon Wednesday at Cindy’s Health & Vitality Center, 56 Youngstown-Warren Road, Niles. This is self-help for people to learn how to deal with pain in a positive way. Contact Karen Suchanek at 330-539-5511 or email her at Visit the organization’s website at
Nar-Anon, a 12-step program for relatives and friends who have been adversely affected by a loved one’s addiction to drugs, meets at 7 p.m. Fridays at the Neil Kennedy Recovery Clinic, 160 Clifton NE, Howland; newcomers are welcome at 6:45. For information call 330-856-3822.
Support Group for Parents/Families of Adult Children Who No Longer Communicate With Them will meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Boardman Park Gazebo, Route 224 entrance. In case of rain, meeting will move to a picnic pavilion, but meet at the gazebo.
Survivors of Suicide in Columbiana County will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday at Columbiana County Counseling Center, 40722 state Route 154, Lisbon. This support group is for families who have lost a loved one to suicide. For information call Help Hotline Crisis Center at 330-424-7767.
TOPS 327 will meet Monday at Christ Church Presbyterian, 1933 Canfield Road, Boardman. Weigh-in is from 6:15 to 6:45 p.m. followed by the meeting at 7. The first meeting is free. Guests are welcome. For information call 330-793-4378 or 330-779-0144.
TOPS 1237, Austintown, will meet Thursday at Idaho Road Alliance Church, 250 Idaho Road, across from Frank Ohl Middle School. Weigh-in is from 5 to 5:30, p.m., followed by the meeting until 6:30. For information call 330-758-4923.
TOPS 1262, McDonald, meets Wednesdays in the senior citizens room at the post office building. Weigh-in is from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., and the meeting will follow. New members are welcome.
TOPS 1497, Austintown, will meet from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Thursday at Smith Corners United Methodist Church, 3000 S. Niles-Canfield Road. New members are welcome; the first meeting is free. For information call 330-759-4737.
Korean War Veterans Association, Mahoning Valley Chapter 137, will have its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Monday at American Legion Post 301, 3652 Oakwood Ave., Austintown. Veterans from all branches of the service are welcome. For information call John Pariza at 330-717-5242.
Club news is published Friday. Please submit information about upcoming activities to the Society Department by noon Wednesday.