Austintown VBS raises money for Mali

Children enjoyed themselves while they sang songs during Vacation Bible School at First United Methodist Church June 25-29.

Neighbors | Eartha Terrell.Campers were happy to spend time with their friends while they helped raise money for Mali during VBS at First United Methodist Church June 25-29.

Vacation Bible School Director, Gay Blackann teaches children the importance of know God is always with them.
First United Methodist Church and Ohl Town United Methodist Church teamed up to raise more than $400 for Mali during their Vacation Bible School June 25-29.
Children not only learned about the importance of giving back and helping others in need, but they also practiced it. They collected money in an effort to help provide mosquito nets for the people in Mali, which is located in western Africa. The nets will provide protection from mosquitoes that carry malaria.
“I think they’re glad to be helping someone else,” said VBS Director Gay Blackann.
When campers weren’t raising money for a good cause they got an opportunity to hone their exploration skills while performing several experiments.
“Imagination Station is where they do science experiments. They made a Hubble ball where they mixed baking soda and vinegar and watched it pop. They also made caterpillars,” Blackann said.
Some children were apprehensive at the beginning, but eventually learned to enjoy meeting new friends while they sang songs, played games, danced and learned about how Jesus is always with them.
“The first day, kids are kind of stiff, but the music gets them in motion. They rotate to different stations and partner with a new buddy each day. The big blue Bible room is the main classroom. The kids are divided into crews and mixed aged groups with other kids of different ages and it really works well,” Blackann said.