Officials probe cases of dog abuse

Staff report


Township police and the Mahoning County Dog Warden’s office are investigating cases of dog abuse and neglect.

Police were called to the 700 block of Orlo Lane about 4 a.m. Saturday for a barking dog complaint, according to reports.

An officer arrived and saw a white dog standing in the driveway barking and found the dog’s owner was not at home, police said. A phone number was found for the owner, who said she had taken a day trip out of state and would return Sunday to care for her three dogs, records show.

Mahoning County deputy dog warden Sean Toohey was called, and reports state there were about two cups of dry dog food scattered on the basement floor, a large bowl of water and feces covering the stairs and basement floor.

“It is still under investigation,” Toohey said. “... There was a little bit of food but not enough to sustain three dogs or even one dog.”

The animals were turned over to Animal Charity to be held “until we find out what’s going on,” Toohey said. “I advised Boardman to file animal-neglect charges.”

Later on Saturday, about 1:30 p.m., officers were called to a Shadyside Drive apartment for a domestic disturbance.

The victim, a 22-year-old woman, told police her ex-boyfriend pounded on her door, and she did not want to let him in but, fearing her neighbors would become upset and start a fight, she opened the door, according to reports.

She said the man pushed her against the wall, scratched her arms and tried to choke her before she broke free, officers said.

Police said during the commotion, the ex-boyfriend picked up the woman’s 4-month-old Yorkshire terrier and threw it, causing it to hit a wall.

A police officer found the dog dead on the basement level of the building, records show.

“My professional advice to Boardman police was to charge the man with animal cruelty” in addition to any domestic violence or assault charges he may face, Toohey said.

The dog was taken to Animal Charity, where a veterinarian was expected to examine it and determine the cause of death, which Toohey believes is blunt force trauma.

Suspects in both cases have not been charged.

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