oddly enough

oddly enough

90-year-old Maine man sky-dives for first time


A Maine man who learned how to use a parachute as a Navy pilot during World War II finally has made his first jump — at age 90.

Lester Slate of Exeter jumped out of a plane for the first time Sunday at Pittsfield Airport and was guided to the ground by a tandem jumper and accompanied by another skydiver trailing a U.S. flag.

The jump was a 90th birthday present to himself. More than 50 family and friends watched.

Slate tells the Bangor Daily News he was inspired by former president George H.W. Bush, who jumped from an airplane on his 85th birthday in 2009.

Slate says he had such a good time he wants to do it again — on his 95th or 100th birthday.

Newspaper: Pa. mugging suspect lauds young captors


Police are lauding two young western Pennsylvania men who stopped a man charged with mugging a grocery clerk who was making a bank deposit — but so is the mugging suspect.

Nineteen-year-old Dakota Glessner tells the Tribune-Democrat of Johnstown that Joshua Foy told Glessner and his brother, Cody, “It’s OK. Ya done what ya had to do” after the brothers tackled Foy and held him until Berlin police could arrive last week.

Berlin police Sgt. Chad Salley credits the brothers with stopping Foy, who purportedly mugged the market’s office manager as she walked to the bank to deposit the store’s money about 3:30 p.m.

Hearing the woman’s screams, Dakota and his 23-year-old brother chased and tackled Foy, who remained in the Somerset County Jail on Thursday. Online court records don’t list an attorney.

Surfing goats ride waves in Southern California


Two goats named Goatee and Pismo are wowing California beachgoers with their surfing skills.

The goats’ owner, Dana McGregor, says he taught his goats to surf because he loves to ride the waves and thought they would like it, too.

The goats stood on surfboards and cruised along the water Wednesday at San Onofre State Beach, as bystanders watched in amazement.

Goatee, a nanny goat, and her billy goat, Pismo, even rode waves together. But after a few rides, Goatee swam to shore.

McGregor says he got Goatee originally to eat unwanted plants on his property.

He began taking the goat to the beach with him, eventually putting her on a surfboard.

McGregor says he started putting Pismo on a board shortly after he was born in March.

Associated Press

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