Years Ago
Today is Monday, July 16, the 198th day of 2012. There are 168 days left in the year.
On this date in:
1912: New York gambler Herman Rosenthal, set to testify to a grand jury about police corruption, is gunned down by the Lennox Avenue Gang.
1935: The first parking meters are installed in Oklahoma City.
1945: The United States explodes its first experimental atomic bomb in the desert of Alamogordo, N.M.
1964: As he accepts the Republican presidential nomination in San Francisco, Barry M. Goldwater says “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice” and that “moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
1999: John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife, Carolyn, and her sister, Lauren Bessette, die when their single-engine plane, piloted by Kennedy, plunges into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.
1987: Sharon Steel Corp., which is reorganizing under federal bankruptcy laws, receives a $60 million offer for its Mueller Brass Co. subsidiary.
Douglas Case, 28, of Neshannock Township, who was awaiting a heart-lung transplant, is found dead in a wooded area in West Virginia, and a Pittsburgh man has been charged with murdering him.
1972: Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co.’s top management assures U.S. Rep. Charles J. Carney of strong support for the new effort to build a stub waterway, canalizing the Beaver and Mahoning Rivers to save the Youngstown district as a major basic steel center.
Charmane Bennett, 19, of Warren, a Youngstown State University sophomore, is named first runner-up in the Miss Ohio pageant at Sandusky.
1962: Adam Tzagourinis, 62, proprietor of the Republic Caf , is killed when a car in which he was riding crashes in U.S. route 522 near Winchester, Va. He had been visiting two sons stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C.
Safecrackers enter the offices of Sealtest Foods Division of the National Dairy Products Corp. at 715 Erie Street and escape with $7,600.
1937: Ruth Krum, 15, of Sharpsville is killed when she steps on a live wire knocked down by a storm that hit a vaudeville tent owned by Pittsburgh radio star Hank Keene. Injured are Alice Songer, 13, and Jean Addicott, 11.
Nearly 15,000 Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. employees receive their first pay check since plants resumed operation after the strike that began May 25.