Eagle award
Marcus Masello, 16, a son of Tony and Kathy Masello of Boardman, received his Eagle Scout Award at a court-of-honor last month at Boardman United Methodist Church. Scoutmaster is Eric Grabman.
Marcus joined Troop 46 at the church in 2007 and is serving as chaplain aide.
He earned 53 merit badges and special awards of Order of Arrow, Ad Altar Dei Award, Pius Catholic Award, Bronze Palm and Gold Palm.
For his Eagle Scout service project at Loghurst Farmhouse and Museum in Canfield, he created a time line of events, starting in 1780 and continuing by each decade to the current day. The project took five months to complete.
Marcus is a junior at Boardman High School, where he is a member of the debate team, chorale, Envirothon Team, Key Club, Science Club, Link Crew, and president of the Computer Club.
He is a member of St. Charles Parish, where he is an altar server and member of Parish Youth Group.
Dentistry degree
David A. Rhodes Jr., a 2004 Ursuline High School grad, recently graduated cum laude from the Ohio State University’s College of Dentistry.
He was awarded the outstanding senior dental student award, the Carol O. Boucher Prosthodontic Award, and honorarium at a recent prosthodontic conference in Columbus.
Dr. Rhodes earned a bachelor of science degree from John Carroll University in 2008, magna cum laude.
He has started a general practice residency at St. Elizabeth Health Center.
He is the son of Dr. David and Linda Rhodes of Hubbard.
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