Warren police, fire departments promote 2
Staff report
The first of several likely promotions in the Warren Police Department took place Thursday, as Dan Mason was promoted from sergeant to lieutenant.
Lieutenant is the third rank, above patrol officer and sergeant. Next highest after lieutenant is captain and then chief.
Mason took the oath of office in front of city hall along with Mark Thigpen, who was promoted to lieutenant in the Warren Fire Department.
Mason and Thigpen were promoted based on the results of civil-service tests each man took April 17.
Mason had the highest score of nine sergeants taking the test and had the top score after seniority points were added.
The other eight, in order, were sergeants Jeff Cole, Gregory Hoso, John P. Yuricek Jr., Sherrey L. McMahon, Michael E. Merritt, John Burzynski, Gary Riggins and Emanuel Nites.
It’s likely that the next three on the list, Cole, Hoso and Yuricek, will be promoted to lieutenant within the next year, because the department is expecting the retirement of a lieutenant in December, a captain in the spring and Chief Tim Bowers next June.
Mason said the Warren Police Department has made “major advancements” in recent years, and he looks forward to being part of that leadership group in the future.
Thigpen, top scorer among 18 firefighters who took the test for lieutenant in the fire department, was among the firefighters who was laid off in 2009, when the city experienced a budget shortfall.
Lieutenant is the second position in the fire department after firefighter. Ranking above lieutenant is captain, then assistant chief and chief.