Friday the 6th was a lucky day

Friday the 6th was a lucky day

Once again, The Vindicator had a banner day on last Friday’s editorial page.

First, the cartoon was a right-on parody of a Rush Limburger show.

Then, the rather apparent Republican CPA from Canfield laments what amounts to the fact that President Obama didn’t personally sign a check for him and some of his friends. I have enough common sense to know the president wasn’t going to send me a check.

Then, two-faced Tom Sowell praises Chief Justice John Roberts for his decision to label one of the features of Obamacare as a tax ... very likely to mollify both the conservatives of the Supreme Court and the Republican base in America — or he was simply trying to save face. Unfortunately, later in his article, Ole Tom included the following: “The legislation didn’t call it a tax.”Golly, I’m sorry, Tom. Maybe it’s the CJ who is two-faced.

I know the writers don’t create their own headlines, so I’d be worried if I was David Skolnick: “Dum Dums at the parade.” On the other hand, I am sure the trustee, Ohio representative, the two judges, and Democratic Party Chairman David Betras truly appreciate the recognition that was given to them. I couldn’t attend, so it was nice to know who showed up.

Finally, the story about the visit by the Romney Clones (Jindal and Pawlenty) indicates they should be given the information that the unemployment rate under Obama’s watch of 8 percent+ is a lot better than 10 percent+ he inherited from George W. B ush and the Seven Dwarfs.

It is also important for the people to know that the Republicans of both chambers have not created legislation that specifically addresses job creation.

John Zordich, Youngstown

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