Bible school based in Babylon


Neighbors | Eartha Terrell.Holy Family Parish Director of Religious Education, Jason Gawaldo, greeted children as they walked into the vacation bible school while dressed as a biblical figure on June 29.


Neighbors | Eartha Terrell.Bernadette Farina (left), smiled with her daughter, Isabella, during the Holy Family Parish Vacation Bible School on June 29.


Neighbors | Eartha Terrell.Margaret Faur (left), Ella Kobak, Julie Kobak and Josie Kobak (right) explored their imaginations in the Babylon craft room during the Holy Family Parish Vacation Bible School on June 29.


Neighbors | Eartha Terrell.Children gathered under a tent to learned about life in Babylon during the Holy Family Parish Vacation Bible School held on June 29.


Children visited Babylon as part of the Holy Family Parish Vacation Bible School June 25-29.

The VBS took children on a historic journey through time to experience a very different time period in Babylon. Using arts and crafts, games and discussion, children learned life lessons and the value of their faith in an interesting way.

“They are not just sitting. They are getting out and moving. Increasingly, kids learn more through experience. The best thing about Bible school is that the kids use visuals and are hands-on. They receive Bible lessons and cultural stuff from all angles,” said Director of Religious Education Jason Gawaldo.

Lessons resonated with children through activities they were familiar with, such as, games and visual content. Every aspect of VBS taught children a new lesson, including games like launching tennis balls and socks in the game “Shooting Stars.”

Even snack time was an opportunity for children to grasp a better understanding of stories from the Bible. Kids created edible lions, which symbolized the story of David and the lions den.

“I think the Bible content is very important. We take a cross-curricular approach, which reinforces social studies things they’re learning in school,” Gawaldo said.

Parents were excited that their children were part of the experience and able to meet new friends in the process.

“I think it’s a great experience for the children because they meet new friends. My daughter has been coming home singing the songs,” said Bernadette Farina.

The VBS experience left lasting impressions on the children involved and was a successful journey for everyone involved.

“It’s been incredible. Kids have been singing on their way out. This year, we had 60 kids and 30 volunteers and we’re anticipating more kids next year,” Gawaldo said.

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