A summary of recent criminal activity in Girard, Hubbard and Liberty:
July 7
Criminal mischief: A marker was used to write an obscenity on a car’s trunk lid in the 700 block of North St. Clair Avenue. Also, someone poured cement on the vehicle’s driver’s-side window and windshield.
Theft: A $65 BB gun was missing from a residence in the 400 block of Illinois Avenue.
Criminal mischief: A woman noticed seven shrubs had been intentionally pulled from the ground in front of her East Second Street home, and that trash was strewn throughout the front yard.
July 8
Burglary: Occurred in the 200 block of Forsythe Avenue through a side door. A $300 laptop computer was stolen.
Theft: A $200 global-positioning- system device and a cellphone charger were taken from a vehicle parked in the 200 block of East Broadway Avenue.
Criminal mischief: Someone tossed eggs at a car in the 200 block of East Broadway Avenue.
July 9
Burglary: A woman returning to her home in the 100 block of East Liberty Street told police she noticed a light on and saw someone in her front window, though she was uncertain if anything was missing.
Aggravated menacing: A Crumlin Avenue male reported three people got out of a vehicle, then chased and threatened to shoot him.
Menacing: A Washington Avenue woman said a neighbor called her and her daughter derogatory names.
Theft: A woman in the 700 block of Washington Avenue told police she loaned 10 DVDs to someone who failed to return the items.
Theft/criminal damaging: Someone in the 400 block of Trumbull Avenue damaged a newspaper box and removed seven newspapers.
July 10
Burglary: To a residence in the 100 block of East Second Street, from which Sony PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 systems, an acoustic guitar and a jar of coins were stolen.
July 2
Burglary: To a West Liberty Street apartment.
July 3
Theft: Took place on West Park Avenue.
Theft: A Woodland Avenue resident reported items stolen.
July 6
Identity theft: A Jacobs Road resident reported being a victim of the crime.
Theft: Property was stolen from a West Liberty Street building.
Harassment: A Viola Drive resident reported receiving such calls.
July 7
Theft: A Caroline Avenue resident discovered property missing.
Identity theft: A Ravine Drive man discovered his identity had been compromised.
Weapon: Gunfire was reported in the area of Creekside Drive.
July 4
Theft: An $800 laptop computer, $2 and various personal documents were stolen from a car parked in the 1300 block of Stonington Drive.
Robbery: A woman age 35 to 45 in a dark-blue floppy hat and dark sunglasses robbed an employee of Shoe Show Inc. in the Liberty Plaza at gunpoint of an undisclosed amount of money before ordering the worker to the back of the store and fleeing in a dark-blue sport utility vehicle.
July 5
Criminal damaging: Arianne M. Ackerman, 27, of 4538 Nantucket Drive, Austintown, faced a criminal- damaging charge after a Green Acres Drive man with whom she had been in an argument alleged Ackerman used a shard of glass to do about $500 in damage to his vehicle’s driver’s side.
Assault: A woman in the 2900 block of Oakland Avenue alleged a neighbor, during a prolonged argument, sprayed her face with pepper spray. The neighbor said the accuser had lunged at her.
Arrest: Tadeus J. Papiernik, 54, of 2044 Crestwood Blvd., Liberty, was arrested in Mahoning County on a township warrant.
Arrest: Police in the 2700 block of Belmont Avenue picked up 52-year-old Christopher Cunningham, 278 Broadway, Youngstown. He was accused of failing to appear in court.
Theft: Police charged Daryl L. Casey, 18, of 2058 Woodgate Ave., Youngstown, with stealing a DVD player and a two-liter bottle of soda from Dollar General, 4425 Logan Way.
Breaking and entering: Someone forcibly entered a vacant structure in the 1800 block of Pleasant Valley Road and removed roughly $1,000 worth of copper piping as well as a washing machine.
Aggravated menacing: A Sampson Drive woman alleged that during a dispute, a Campbell woman came to the accuser’s home and twice threatened to kill her.
July 6
Theft: A portable DVD player, a car-phone charger and two bags of groceries were removed from a vehicle parked in the 2000 block of Crestwood Boulevard.
Arrest: Authorities at Mahoning County jail picked up 31-year-old William L. Chislom, 114 Saranac Ave., Youngstown, on a township warrant accusing him of failure to appear in court.
Theft: A Northgate Drive woman accused a relative of removing a wallet from the accuser’s purse.
Arrest: Police responded to an unwanted person in the 2900 block of Roosevelt Drive, where they arrested Faybeon B. Stewart, 22, of 2534 Arkwright Ave., Youngstown. He was accused of failing to appear in court.
Attempted theft: Officers received information that a man in his 30s tried to steal an elderly woman’s purse at Walmart, 200 Goldie Road.
Bad checks: A Youngstown man was suspected of depositing two counterfeit $2,829 checks into an account at Huntington National Bank, 3999 Belmont Ave.
July 7
Arrest: A traffic stop on Belmont Avenue resulted in 23-year-old Eric R. Johnson’s arrest. Johnson, of 1736 Richmond Ave., Youngstown, was wanted on warrants from Niles and Campbell, and faced a charge of driving under suspension.
Theft/disrupting public services: Someone stole about 120 feet of phone cable in the 6200 block of Sodom-Hutchings Road, interrupting service to the area.
Vandalism: An excavating machine in the 400 block of Yvonne Drive was found with a shattered window. The estimate was $200.
Attempted fraud: A worker for an East Liberty Street motel told police someone called several guests claiming there were problems with their credit cards in an effort to obtain their credit-card numbers.
Theft: A wallet and $25 were taken from a car in the 2000 block of Crestwood Boulevard.
Theft: A Trumbull Avenue man discovered a United Parcel Service package containing a camera had been removed from his front porch.
Breaking and entering: Someone entered a shed belonging to First Presbyterian Church, 890 Church Hill Road, and stole a lawn mower, a leaf blower and a weed trimmer, for an $805 loss.
July 8
Theft: A man in the 5700 block of Sampson Drive reported his wallet stolen from his truck.
Arrest: A vehicle check on Logan Way resulted in the arrests of Shanntel S. Russell, 25, and 29-year-old Jamaur D. Brown. Russell and Brown, both of 1024 Woodland St. NE, Warren, were wanted on misdemeanor warrants.
July 9
Theft: A $300 GPS unit was stolen from a car parked in the 4900 block of Fifth Avenue.
Theft: GPS and iPod devices were taken from a vehicle in the 5700 block of Lamplighter Drive.
Harassment: A Logan Way woman said her former boyfriend has made and sent numerous unwanted calls and text messages in a two-month time span.
Harassment: An employee with a Belmont Avenue restaurant told officers her former boyfriend has made up to 30 unwanted calls daily to her, including while she’s at work.