Civil War reenactment planned July 21 and 22 in Argus Park


Civil War reenactors who will participate in the 105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry’s reenactment July 21 and 22 are, from left, Don VanMeter, as a major; Mike Lawson, as General Stonewall Jackson; Ed Beers, as General Robert E. Lee; Jerry Payne, as President Abraham Lincoln; Chris Gunvalsen, as General William Tecumseh Sherman; Ron Johnson, as General Nathan Forest; and Tim Perry, as a colonel.


The 105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry will host the seventh biannual Civil War reenactment on July 21 and 22 at Argus Park, 5050 Shields Road.

Highlights will be battles and President Abraham Lincoln’s address before the dress parade in the 44-acre park.

The grass battlefield will feature the use of the amphitheater and period props and fences.

The mortars and gattling gun will be fired in a demonstration before the battles.

Ground charges will be used with the cannon during the battle.

Troop encampments will be set up on high ground separated and surrounded by woods.

There will be demonstrations, exhibitions and displays during the weekend.


7 a.m.: reveille

8:45: first call for company drill

9: company drill and gates open to the public

9:45: gattling gun demonstration

10: cavalry demonstration

10:30: Generals Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman programs

11:30: President Lincoln program

Noon: first call for dress parade

12:15 p.m.: history presentation of Col. Nash

12:30: dress parade and presentation of Col. Nash’s sword

1: live mortar fire demonstration;

1:45: first call

2: battle reenactment with infantry and cannon

3: hospital demonstration

4:30: gates closed to public

5: dinner

7: military ball


7 a.m.: reveille and tactical

7:30: breakfast

9: period worship service in amphitheater and gates open to the public

9:30: gattling gun demonstration

9:45: cavalry dem onstration

10:15: Generals Lee, Grant and William T. Sherman programs

10:45: President Lincoln program

11: first call for dress parade

11:30: dress parade and presentation of Col. Nash’s sword

12:30 p.m.: live mortar fire demonstration

12:45: first call

1: battle reenactment with infantry and cannon

2: hospital demonstration

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