Mahoning meets at noon for a sack lunch. The program is a tour of the Butterfly House and Amazing Garden at Beech Creek Botanical Garden and Nature Preserve, 11929 Beech St. N.E., Alliance. Admission costs $2. Hostesses are Laura Mastro and Mary Ann Anderson.


Mignonette will meet at 6 p.m. for a picnic and garden tour at the home of Beverly Muresan, 550 Stoneybrook Lane, Canfield. Hostess is Muresan, and co-hostesses are Georgianna D’Andrea, Dottie Bodnar and Pat Reardon.

Sweetbrier meets from 6 to 8 p.m. for High Tea at Barley Twist. The cost is $15. Everyone is encouraged to take a guest.

Garden club events are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.

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