Will attacks on Romney work?


Remember the Outsourcerer?

He was that guy from the Democratic Party, dressed up like a wizard, who would stand outside of John Kasich campaign events back during the eventual governor’s race against incumbent Ted Strickland a couple of years ago.

The Outsourcer carried a big sign and would shout, “I send jobs to China and Mexico,” sometimes followed by “Hello!”

The point was that Kasich, during his time in Congress, supported policies that purportedly made it easier for companies to set up shop overseas, leaving Americans without jobs or opportunity.

President Barack Obama is taking a page from the Outsourcer’s playbook in his race against Mitt Romney, recently hammering the GOP presidential hopeful for private sector investment in companies that outsource.

“Gov. Romney’s experience has been in opening companies that were called pioneers of outsourcing,” the president said during one of his Ohio stops.

Forget for a moment whether such statements are based in reality or campaign distortions. Here’s the question: Will continued attacks on Romney’s private sector business dealings really prompt voters to support the president?

Remember, the whole Outsourcerer schtick in the end didn’t seem to hurt Kasich.


That didn’t take long: Weeks into the operation of Ohio’s casinos, Attorney General Mike DeWine and prosecutors are already announcing arrests of alleged cheaters.

The first roundup included seven men, most from the Cleveland area, who thought they could pad their winnings without drawing the attention of the state’s gaming agents.

According to a release, “the defendants were each caught cheating on various casino games such as Black Jack, Texas Hold’Em, roulette and craps by either past posting, making a bet after the time allowed, capping/stacking a bet, adding chips to a bet after a good outcome is predictable or removing bets on losing hands/rolls.”

Ohio Casino Control Commission Director of Enforcement Karen Huey added in a released statement, “Stealing from a casino is the same as stealing from the state of Ohio and will not be tolerated.”


The Ohio Society of CPAs has endorsed Yvette McGee-Brown, Robert Cupp and Terrence O’Donnell to retain their seats on the Ohio Supreme Court.

The latter two, Republicans on the GOP-heavy bench, were expected, but it’s the second hat tip the court’s lone Democrat has received, after the state bar association gave McGee Brown a “highly recommended” rating and her Republican opponent, Judge Sharon Kennedy, a “not recommended.”

Session Days

Senate President Tom Niehaus and House Speaker Bill Batchelder released their chambers’ legislative schedules for the remainder of the year.

The two set five days during the summer as “if needed” days, more than likely an indication that lawmakers won’t be back in Columbus until after the November election.

Lame duck session days are set through mid-December, with three “if needed” days closer to Christmas.

Marc Kovac is The Vindicator’s Statehouse correspondent. Email him at mkovac@dixcom.com or on Twitter at OhioCapitalBlog.

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