Trumbull entities get 0-percent loan

Staff report


The Trumbull County Engineer’s Office and several townships will benefit from a $500,000, 0-percent loan they have been awarded to build a joint storage facility for road salt.

Randy Smith, Trumbull County engineer, announced Thursday the county and townships received the loan from the Ohio Department of Development’s Local Government Innovation Fund.

The money will be used to build a regional salt-storage facility that can hold enough salt to serve the county and several nearby townships.

The new facility will allow the engineer to build a storage facility that will serve the county and 14 townships, cities and villages.

It will save about $400,000 by preventing several townships from having to build their own salt-storage facility, said Don Barzak, Smith’s director of governmental affairs. Those townships will use the facility to hold all their road salt, Barzak said.

Through bulk buying, all 14 townships, villages and cities also will save a combined $14 million over 10 years, Barzak said.

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