Amy Polkovitch | Andrew Harman



Amy Lynn Polkovitch of Columbus became the bride of Andrew Joseph Harman, also of Columbus, on May 19 at St. Michael Church.

The Rev. Terry Hazel officiated at the 2 p.m. ceremony.

The newlyweds were honored at a reception at The Lake Club in Poland, then left on a honeymoon to Aruba and Cura ßao. They now live in Upper Arlington.

Parents of the couple are Mary Jean and Larry Polkovitch of Canfield and Cindi and Harold Harman of Toledo.

A sweetheart neckline and sheer lace overlay detailed the bride’s mermaid-style gown of lace and tulle.

Honor attendants were Karen Scott and Gretchen Seibert. Bridesmaids were Caitlin Harman, the groom’s sister; Alyssa Kozlow, the bride’s cousin; and Michele Gomori, Kristin Hammelrath, Courtney Karn and Megan Roussos. They wore organic green dresses.

Serving as best man for his brother was Brian Harman. Groomsmen were Daniel Polkovitch, the bride’s brother; and Tony Bunker, David DeLong, Bryan Geha, Drew Hanna, Richard Jankowski, Jordan Paszczykowski, Matthew Taylor and Patrick Warnement. The bride’s cousin, Nicolas Dascenzo, was ring bearer.

Mrs. Harman graduated from Miami University with a bachelor’s degree. She is an account executive with Fahlgren Mortine in Columbus.

Her husband is general manager of Central Parking System in Columbus. He graduated from Ohio State University with a bachelor’s degree.

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