Results of the parent/child scramble

Results of the parent/child scramble

The parent/child golf scramble was played on June 29 at 2:30 p.m. at the Diamondback Golf Course. First place in the grades 7-9 division were Kevin Soltis Sr. with his son, Kevin Soltis Jr. with an even par, 36. Runner-up Nick Jaminet and his nephew, Matt Nielsen, were 3 over, 39.

First place in the grades six and under division was Mike Christman and Cole Christman at 5 under, 31. Mike Murphy and his daughter, Madison, were the runner-up team and played three under, 33.

The next parent/child scramble, for Canfield children in grades 1-12, will be held on July 22. The cost is $20 for nine holes and a cart. The event starts at 4:30 p.m. For more information, contact Mike Murphy at 330-881-6627 or

Couples golf clinic and wine tasting July 20

Diamondback Golf Course on Leffingwell Road will be hosting a couples short game clinic and wine tasting on July 20 from 6-8 p.m. The cost is $30 per couple. The featured wine will be Silver Oak cabernet sauvign 2005-2007. For more information, contact Mike Murphy at 330-881-6627 or

Pink Ribbon Golf Classic to be held on July 16

The annual Pink Ribbon Golf Classic will be held at Tippecanoe Country Club on July 16. All proceeds from this event will go directly to the American Cancer Society. The cost is $99 per person for this 18-hole scramble. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. Lunch is included, along with a Chinese auction and raffle. For further details, contact Donna Mowrey at 330-207-9630 or Nancy Felton at 330-533-2712.

Boosters host golf scramble at Tippecanoe Country Club

Canfield boys’ golf team boosters are hosting a four-person golf scramble at Tippecanoe Country Club at 12:30 p.m. on Monday. The cost is $100 per player and covers play, entry for prizes, lunch, driving range use, beverages and dinner.

Contact Ken Carano at 330-559-7400 to sign up, sponsor a hole or for more information.

Baseball club to host tournament

Canfield Baseball Club will host a 7/8 and 9-U boys’ tournament July 11-15. Visit for rules and registration or call Dave Rose at 330-507-4175.

Baseball Club to sponsor softball class

Canfield Baseball Club will host softball fall class for 10U-16U on Sept. 22-23. It is an ASA East National Qualifier. Visit for rules and registration or call Kerry Durkin at 330-506-2274.

NFL shifting start time of doubleheaders

Tim Tebow was leading the Broncos on yet another improbable last-minute comeback, and fans in New York, Dallas and other football-mad markets didn’t get to see the end.

The NFL announced a scheduling change Thursday aimed at preventing such moments. The league is shifting the start time of the second game of its Sunday TV doubleheaders by 10 minutes to ensure fewer fans miss any of the action on the field.

The late afternoon matchups on CBS and Fox will kick off at 4:25 p.m. ET instead of 4:15. Late games not on that week’s doubleheader network will still start at 4:05.

Rivers, Collins to serve as Olympic analysts

NBA coaches Doc Rivers and Doug Collins will serve as basketball analysts for NBC during this summer’s Olympics.

The network announced an announcer lineup for the London Games full of familiar faces Thursday. Bob Costas will serve as prime-time host for the ninth time. Al Michaels and Dan Patrick will handle that role for NBC’s live weekday and weekend daytime coverage. Eight-time Winter Olympic medalist Apolo Ohno will work as a reporter. Collins and Rivers have worked as TV commentators during stints between coaching jobs.

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