Poland Idol, touch-a-truck and fireworks draw big crowds


Ron Rowe (left) enjoyed the festivities with his wife, Jane, during Celebrate Poland June 29.


Neighbors | Eartha Terrell.Mariano Sylvester pretended he was actually driving off into the sunset during Touch a Truck at the Celebrate Poland event June 30.


Joseph Zufelt (left), shows Ethan Lehnerd (center), the ins and outs of a HMMWV with fellow U.S. Marine Corps member Jessie Sherman during the Touch a Truck event June 30.


Poland Seminary High School Principal, Kevin Snyder, tried to stay dry at the Strawberry Festival during the Celebrate Poland event June 29.


High New Nation brought excitement to the crowd while competing in the Battle of the Band during the Celebrate Poland event June 29.


Maysun Phillips wowed the crowd with her range and vocal abilities during the Poland Idol for Celebrate Poland June 30.


Gregory Klocek (left) tried to stay out of the rain with his wife, Jill, as they sold delicious treats at the Strawberry Festival June 29.



Vocalists showed off their talents and competed for the title of Poland Idol during the Celebrate Poland event June 30. The competition mirrored the television show, American Idol, with three judges that critiqued singers’ pitch, diction, range and overall stage showmanship.

“It’s a singing competition for ages kindergarten through fourth-grade, fifth though eighth-grade and high school to adults. We have three local judges. When we’re all done there will be a first, second and third-place winner and there are prizes. It’s always amazing year after year and I love seeing kids get more confident,” said Poland Idol coordinator Cindy Best.

While singers amazed audiences, just down the street children tried to hop into as many vehicles as they could during the Touch a Truck event. Aston Ramsdale was just one of the many children eager to get a chance to rev the engines of a car.

“This is our first time here for the event and he loves the different vehicles. He is fascinated with the cars and beeping the horns,” said Ramsdale’s mother, Stacie Hoover.

Sounds of high-pitched horns of school buses, limousines, mail trucks and a plethora of more cars could be heard for miles as children pretended they were actually driving themselves. U.S. Marine Corps officer, Joseph Zufelt, was excited to meet community members and show off his Humvee to kids.

“I think it’s a great opportunity to meet the community and show what vehicles we have. It makes me feel good,” Zufelt said.

If listening to talented singers and exploring fancy vehicles were not enough, the celebration offered much more for people to experience, such as, arts and crafts, a petting zoo and a variety of food. The event ended with a bang as crowds watched fireworks light up the sky.

“The highlight for me as well as everyone else is seeing the abundant crowd of people watching the fireworks,” said Celebrate Poland Vice President Bob Lidle.

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