Henson accepted to medical school
Henson accepted to medical school
Catherine Henson, a 2012 Youngstown State University Magna Cum Laude graduate, has been accepted into medical school at Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED). She is a 2009 Boardman High School valedictorian. Catherine is the daughter of Dr. Keith and Sheila Henson of Canfield.
Mehle graduates from Kent State
Stephanie Mehle, daughter of Anthony and Irene Mehle, recently earned her Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, from Kent State University. She double majored in Criminology and Justice Studies and Political Science. Mehle was a 2008 graduate of Canfield High School.
She was president of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and a member of the National Leadership Council. She also served as Vice President of the National Society of Leadership and Success, Student Representative to the Political Science Undergraduate Studies Committee and Floor Representative to Kent Interhall Council.
In 2011, she was presented the Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award by the Justice Studies Department. Mehle will attend the University of Akron School of Law.
Charity car show in Mahoning Valley
The Mahoning Valley Corvettes and Greenwood Chevrolet will be sponsoring its 18th annual car show on July 22 from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Greenwood Chevrolet, 4665 Mahoning Avenue, Austintown. Registration is from 9-11 a.m. and the show is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The show is open to Corvettes, antiques, classics, customs, and hot rods. There is an entry fee of $10 and if you are showing for National Council of Corvette Clubs points, the fee is $20. Proceeds will benefit local charities and plaques will be awarded for all classes and types of cars, including Peoples Choice Award. The first 125 will receive a 50th anniversary 3x4 dash plaque. For more information, call Dave Milich 330-207-5218 or Dan Lyden 330-726-7791.
Medieval mayhem and craftiness
The Great Lakes Medieval Faire will have its second weekend July 14-15. The theme this week is Craft Extravaganza. Bring your own projects to show off and view pieces others have been working on as well. There will be entertainment for adults and children alike, including Joffrey, the giant who plays music on strange instruments, walks on stilts and tells jokes. The faire is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., rain or shine.
Seventh annual auction at Margaritaville set
Easter Seals’ seventh annual “Auction at Margaritaville” will be held on July 20 at St. Michael’s Family Life Center from 6–10:30 p.m.
The evening includes a Cheeseburger in Paradise dinner with cash bar available. There will be live, silent and Chinese auctions by ByceAUCTION, and MC Jeff Kelly from WBBG BIG 106.1 will make an appearance. Admission is $20.
RSVP to Jodi Harmon or Tricia Ligotti or send to tligotti@mtc.easterseals.com by Monday.
Summer skating lessons offered at the Ice Zone
All Saturdays starting July 7 and ending Aug. 11, The Ice Zone, 360 McClurg Road, in Boardman will offer ice skating lessons. Participants can choose from three classes: basic skills skating classes for all ages, Mommy and Me skating (Adult and toddler to Kindergarten aged child), and a special needs skating class. The cost is $90 per student and includes six skating lessons, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., and a $25 registration fee that includes one year of basic skills membership to the U.S. Figure Skating Association, a personal record book to track progress, accident and injury insurance, and a one-year subscription to the U.S. figure skating “Basic Skills Skating Magazine.” The total cost is $115 for regular programs or $140 for Mommy and Me.
T’ween Book Club
Canfield Library is welcoming tweens to join the fifth and sixth grade book club this summer. This is your chance to meet new friends, learn about some great reads and exchange ideas on the latest books. Kick back and have a blast at 11 a.m. on Thursday.
Dr. Kathleen Padgitt, local kidney specialist, is presenting a series of lectures on whole foods for a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle on August 9. The program will be held at St. Elizabeth Boardman Health Center’s Azalea Room. The lecture is free and open to the public. To register, call the Humility of Mary Healthline at 330-480-3051 or, toll free, 1-877-700-4647. Future lectures scheduled for the same time and location are: Meat and Dairy, Sept. 12; Raw/Living Foods, Oct. 23 and Juicing/Smoothies/Fasting, Nov. 27. Registration for all the programs are through the Healthline.
Ursuline Center hosts trunk and treasure sale
The Ursuline Center, 4280 Shields Road, Canfield, is accepting registrations for its annual Car Trunk and Treasure sale July 14 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For $25 ($30 after June 30) each seller will receive two parking spaces. Inside the center will be a book and food sale.
The Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown will be selling household products and other goods. There will also be an antique sale for serious collectors. All items are cash payment only. Indoor restrooms will be available. The sale will be held rain or shine, no refunds.
To obtain a registration form, call Ursuline Associate Eileen Novotny at 330-533-3831, email ewalshnovotny@zoominternet.net, or visit www.theursulinecenter.org. All proceeds benefit the many ministries of the Center, operated by the Ursuline Sisters.
Schmutz elected as Director of Trust Company
James H. Sisek, President and CEO of Farmers Trust Company, has announced that C. Reid Schmutz has been elected as a Director of the Trust Company effective July 1. Retiring last December, Schmutz served as president since 1989 of the Youngstown State University Foundation, the major source of scholarship funding for YSU students. During Schmutz’s tenure, foundation assets grew from $50 million to over $190 million, making it one of the largest endowments for universities of comparable size. A lifelong resident of the Mahoning Valley, Schmutz, graduated from The Rayen School, class of 1960, and earned an AB in economics from Brown University in 1964. During his 25 years with the Standard Slag Company of Youngstown, he worked in various positions, concluding as vice president of operations.
If you can dream It, do it
If you can dream it, you can make it. Children of all ages are invited to make and take a variety of dreamy crafts at the Canfield Library July 9-14 during regular library hours. Come see what crafts you can make.
It’s ‘Just a Dream’ with the Mahoning County Green Team
Join the Mahoning County Green Team at the public library in Canfield at 10 a.m. on Tuesday as they read “Just a Dream” by Chris Van Allsburg and have fun making a craft. For children preschool to third grade.
Meet Zinc the Zebra
Come to the Canfield Public Library on July 24 at 10 a.m. to meet Zinc the Zebra, who has spots instead of stripes. Zinc wants to teach kids about diversity and about the importance of being kind and sensitive to others who appear different from us. Kids will also make their own Zinc the Zebra puppet. Zinc is presented by the Girl Scouts of Northeast Ohio and is fun for kids of all ages.
Pajama jam
Dress in your PJs and slippers and get ready to jam at the Canfield library. You will enjoy music, stories, games and fun for kids of all ages. The fun starts at 6:30 p.m. on July 16.
Know your Olympians
The 2012 Olympics start July 27 so teens in grades 7-12 are invited to drop by the library to test their knowledge about this year’s Olympic athletes. This will be going on the whole month of July during regular library hours at the Canfield Public Library.
Ice cream tasting
Teens in grades 7-12 are welcome to beat the summer heat by stopping into the library to taste a variety of ice creams and vote for your favorite on July 26 at 2 p.m. They will post the results.
Share your favorite book
Like it? Share it. Stop by the library during regular hours for the whole month of July to fill out a book recommendation and we’ll post them up in our teen section for other teens to see all summer long. For teens in grades 7-12.
Get your blood pressure checked
Come to the library on July 17 from 1-3 p.m. to have your blood pressure checked by the Salem Area Visiting Nurse Association.
Coupon Swap at the Library
Do you have coupons you don’t need or need coupons you don’t have? Join us at the Canfield Library on July 21 at 10 a.m. to stretch your shopping dollars by swapping coupons or learning new tips from other coupon-clippers.
eBooks at Your Library
All Kindle users can join us at the library on July 23 at 6:30 p.m. to learn about downloading library eBooks to your Kindle device and how to use our digital catalog. Space is very limited so sign-up is required. Call 330-744-8636 and ask for the Canfield Library to register for this event.
East High School Class of 1964 reunion set
The Class of 1964 has organized a reunion for all classmates of the 1960’s of East High School on August 18th from 3-7 p.m. The reunion will be held at St. George Croatian Center on Vestal Road in Youngstown. The cost is $20 per person and you must register in advance. The registration deadline ends August 6th. For more information contact Ted Boggs at 330-793-1198, Ron Devellin at 330-793-8882, or Janice Easton Kutsko at 330-360-1574.