Five confirmed dead in Newton Falls shootings

Five confirmed dead in Newton Falls shootings


About 5 p.m., Police Chief John Kuivila confirmed that a fourth person had been killed by gunfire in what appear to be related incidents.

This latest killing happened about a block away from an earlier shooting that had left three dead.

A woman in her 30s was found at 604-A Newton Drive, about 4 p.m.

The police chief also confirmed that a male suspect in a Dodge Intrepid died at Newton Falls cemetery. Police scanner traffic indicated the gunshot was self inflicted, but the chief did not confirm this and would not answer further questions.

The investigation continues and crime scenes were being processed by state and local authorities.

Police radio traffic indicated, however, that a second suspect may have been taken into custody on Broad Street.

Kuivila said two males and a female were found dead at 72 Trumbull Court, around noon. They had been shot to death, he said during a news conference earlier this afternoon.

The chief said one of the victims called 911 before dying.

Though police say two juveniles and one adult were killed, the next door neighbor says it was her brother, Rikki Cogley; his wife Kathy; and their 15-year-old son Everett.

Two young boys survived, said the neighbor, Tina Brazzon.

She is Rikki Cogley’s sister. She said her 5-year-old nephew,also named Rikki, came next door and said, “Daddy’s dead, daddy’s dead.”

The suspects are in their early 20s. About 4 p.m., the Trumbull County coroner has been called to 604-A Newton Drive, for a woman “on the floor” and a hysterical child, according to police scanner traffic. That traffic also said it was the purported residence of one of the suspects, but this has not been confirmed by police.

Police were using a dog and have asked Portage County to block Ridge Road.

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