We should show our gratitude

We should show our gratitude

Shame on the individuals who were instrumental in bringing about this injustice to Sister Jerome Corcoran. This lady has done more to educate inner city children and their parents than will ever be known. I know, because I am one of the recipients of her encouragement and kindness. Now, after all these years for this wonderful lady to be disrespected this way is incomprehensible.

I’m very glad that my three grandsons had the opportunity to attend the Mill Creek Community Center Schools, while she was there. Because after seeing the indifference in how she was dismissed, I have a feeling that a change is coming.

Come on, people, let Sister Jerome know that we stand with her the way she has stood up for so many of us all these years.

We love you, Sister Jerome Corcoran. May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May health and happiness follow you all the days of your life and until we meet again. May God continue to hold you in the palm of his hands.

Minnie Salter Driscall, Youngstown

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