Putting patents in their place
Putting patents in their place
Los Angeles Times: Congress rewrote patent law last year to reduce the number of unwarranted patents and curb abusive lawsuits by “patent trolls,” but the federal courts have done significantly more than lawmakers to strike a better balance among innovators, consumers and patent owners. A good example is a recent ruling that rejected attempts by Apple and Motorola to stop the sale of each other’s smartphones. It was a welcome rebuke to companies that have been tying up the courts with patent infringement claims instead of facing one another in the marketplace.
Dismissing the two companies’ claims in District Court in Chicago, Judge Richard Posner held that neither side had provided sufficient evidence to prove that they had suffered harm from the alleged infringements, none of which involved technologies crucial to the phones’ operation or cachet. Nor had they shown that halting sales of Apple’s iPhone or Motorola’s Android models was more appropriate than ordering the infringer to pay royalties, Posner wrote.
A hard slap
Motorola’s request for an injunction to block sales of the iPhone was particularly inappropriate, Posner wrote, because the company had agreed to make the patented technologies in question available to everyone on reasonable terms as part of a widely used standard for cellphone communications. That point is a much-needed rebuttal to efforts by companies such as Motorola to seek injunctions against rivals for using technologies they are all but forced to use.
The ruling also fits into an emerging movement in the courts to bring a greater sense of proportionality to patent law, and to favor financial remedies over barriers to competition. These are important trends because the microchip- and software-powered products of the digital era are far more complicated than those of the Industrial Age, with a single product potentially involving hundreds of technologies that could be covered by patents.