8,000 flags usher in July 4th
Chris Zucco’s Hubbard mail route takes him throughout the city every day.
Walking door-to-door, he’s recently noticed the same American flag posted outside homes.
“I think it’s wonderful,” said Zucco. “I think it shows the solidarity of middle America.”
He can credit John Burgan and Rich Suhovecky of Burgan Real Estate Ltd. for the patriotic arrangements. Suhovecky and Burgan have managed the placement of 4,000 flags throughout Hubbard city and township in celebration of America’s 236th birthday.
“You can’t believe the number of people who call and say this is fantastic,” said Burgan.
For five years, the pair have placed flags throughout the Mahoning Valley. Last year, they put 7,000 flags in various yards throughout the area, including 3,000 in Hubbard.
This year they posted 8,000, with 4,000 flags going to Hubbard. Suhovecky believes the residents’ acceptance of the flags says a lot about Hubbard’s patriotism.
Sheryl DeWitt of Viola Avenue has lived in Hubbard for 41 years and keeps a full-size flag hanging outside her home. She welcomes the miniature flag in her yard.
“We look forward to it because it looks so nice,” she said.
Betsy Thompson of Clingan Street
believes the flags represent a common bond between Americans.
“We’re all united when it comes down to it,” she said.
Suhovecky and Burgan credit Covenant Life Fellowship youths for helping to place the flags throughout the town.
With 1,000 more flags this year than last year, Burgan said they have managed to plant flags at almost 90 percent of Hubbard homes.
Even with this year’s increase, Suhovecky is planning for more homes for next year.
“We’re not going to be happy until every home in Hubbard has one,” he said.