Make conservation worth it

If you’re curious about trends that will affect our world over the next decade, you should pay attention to the relationship between food security and global stability. While you’re at it, add this worry into the mix: the ability of American farmlands to meet the international demands for food.

This food-peace-ecology triangle has arisen for numerous reasons, including that more nations are developing their economies, despite the recent downturn. Their growth is good, in part because people work in jobs that pay better wages.

Along with that growth, residents in nations such as India and China have started desiring different foods, especially more beef. They have looked to the U.S. and other markets to supply them.

The trick for developing nations is getting their people enough food at an affordable price. If they do, they can keep the peace. If they don’t, watch out. Their political situations will grow unstable. We’ve already seen food riots in Algeria and Tunisia.

This demand is an economic blessing for American farmers and ranchers: More people want to buy their products.

Ecological leg

But here’s where the ecological leg of the triangle comes in: Farm and ranch lands can endure just so much production. They and the ecosystems that feed them need sustaining, too.

For instance, aquifers can supply only so much water for greater agricultural production in places like the High Plains of Texas and southern Colorado. Those breadbaskets are iconic America. But their irrigation pumps must kick out plenty of water to keep crops growing.

Fortunately, irrigation techniques have gotten better in places like the Texas Panhandle, so less water is wasted. But land management remains a challenge and a necessity there and elsewhere.

The farm bill that the Senate passed rercently cut $6 billion in conservation funding, but the legislation does include elements that could help keep farmers’ and ranchers’ lands healthy.

Here’s one example: The measure creates an incentive for agricultural producers, conservationists, universities, farm groups and local governments to work together to resolve an ecological worry such as a local water shortage. That sounds basic, but regional collaborations haven’t been common. And institutions including the Environmental Defense Fund and the American Farmland Trust have praised this approach.

The bill also creates incentives for farmers to shift to crops that demand less water. That includes dryland crops, such as cotton.

Curious about whether this makes sense, I talked last week with C.E. Williams, who heads the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District near Amarillo, Texas. He agreed that water supplies increasingly will determine how much farmers can produce. That’s why incentives to get into dryland farming make sense to him.


The Senate bill falls short, however, in giving farmers a sufficient incentive to keep acreage they already have planted in grass from being turned back into farmland. Some farmers take advantage of a federal program that rewards them for setting aside grasslands, which helps the fields replenish their nutrients. Now, some want out. Williams told me he sees Panhandle farmers turning their grasslands back to farmland since there is so much demand for food.

I don’t blame them. But when the House takes up its farm bill, let’s hope farmers get enough money from Washington to keep land in grass. Grazing cattle on this land could be profitable because of the demand for beef. And the longer fields stay out of production, the better their sustainability for future crops.

I’m not particularly wild about the government directly paying farmers to better care for their lands. But the government doesn’t pay all of the costs of conserving the lands.

Also, the third leg of this triangle needs as much attention as the two others. In fact, without a strong ecological balance, there won’t be enough production to feed the world and keep the peace.

William McKenzie is an editorial columnist for The Dallas Morning News. Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

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