Bike run to buy supplies for schools


A motorcycle run planned for Aug. 5 will raise money for school supplies for Youngstown City Schools.

Jamz 101.9 and the Axemen Professional Firefighters Motorcyle Club are sponsoring the run, which will begin and end at Buckeye Elks, 421 North Avenue.

Registration will be from 10 to 11:30 a.m., with Panera Bread providing breakfast. Kickstands will be up at noon sharp.

A biker buffet will await at the end of the run. Guy’s BBQ Carry Out, 2545 Belmont Ave., is donating food and will cook on site for the bikers.

It also has donated a raffle prize of a barbecue picnic for 25 people. There will be a 50-50 raffle and a basket auction.

Entry fees are $15 per driver and $10 per rider.

Other vehicles are welcome at $15 per driver, $10 per passenger.

For information call Beth Redmond at 330-717-9241.

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