An unexpected bonus

An unexpected bonus

Tiffin Advertiser-Tribune: As tax revenues in many states begin to grow, governors and lawmakers face a choice in allocating the unexpected funds.

States may find paying off debt would be the best use for surplus funds. Beyond that, the decision involves rebuilding reserves or restoring budget cuts.

In Ohio tax collections have risen, yielding about $350 million more than budgeted.

As a result, our state’s budget stabilization fund has increased from a low of 89 cents to $246 million.

Basically, there are two views regarding use of rebounding revenues. One is to restore spending for programs and local governments before saving funds for the next recession.

The other view is to build the rainy day fund before committing to levels of support that would continue in future budgets.

If the recovery were more robust and dependable, the first option would make sense. But the shaky status of state, national and global economies is a good reason to pursue the latter option.

Plus, the governor and legislature can wait and see exactly how much revenue they get from state and local government’s share of casino profits.

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