Kasey Cooper to wed Michael Weymer
The parents of Kasey Ann Cooper and Michael Paul Weymer are announcing the engagement and upcoming marriage of their children.
The bride-elect, of Howland, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cooper of Newton Falls and Mrs. Holly Cooper of Howland.
The prospective groom is the son of Paul and Lou Ann Weymer, all of Vienna.
Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Youngstown will be the setting of the Aug. 11 Mass.
Invitations will be extended for an evening reception at DiVieste Banquet Rooms in Warren.
The bride-to-be received a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Youngstown State University and is employed as a prekindergarten teacher at Bloomfield-Mespo Local Schools in Mesopotamia.
The future groom received a bachelor’s degree in political science from Miami University and works in human resources at AVI Foodsystems, Inc. in Warren.