

Both vulnerable. North deals.


xA K

uK Q J 10 6

v10 7

wK Q 5 3


x9 4 x7 6 3 2

u8 7 5 4 uA 9

vK Q 9 6 2 v5 4 3

w10 6 wA J 8 2


xQ J 10 8 5

u3 2

vA J 8

w9 7 4

The bidding:


1u Pass 1x Pass

3w Pass 3NT Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: ?

This deal is from the trials to select the two teams to represent the United States at this year’s World Youth Teams Championship held in Taishan, China. Winners were Roger Lee, Mitch Towner, Owen Lien and Kevin Dwyer. Runners-up were Jimmy Wang, Stephen Drodge, Lei Jin, Zizhou Wang and Erli Zhou. This deal is from the match between the winners and runners-up.

With no entry to the diamonds, the normal lead is a low card. However, Lee realized that, with no side entry, leading low and finding partner with J x would not help, so he started with the queen of diamonds, conventionally asking partner to show attitude. Declarer won with the ace, cleared dummy’s spade honors and followed with the king of hearts. East won with the ace and reverted to a diamond, West taking care to duck as dummy’s ten won.

With no entry back to hand, South had only two spades, four hearts and two diamonds established, so he exited with the king of clubs. East grabbed the ace, reverted to diamonds and the defenders had one heart, one club and three diamonds — down one. At the other table declarer had the time to score nine tricks at the same contract, but with a low diamond lead.

2012 Tribune Media Services