Both vulnerable. South deals.


xJ 5 3

u8 2

vA K 7

w8 7 5 4 3


x9 7 6 4 x2

uA 10 6 uK 9 7 5 3

v4 2 vJ 10 8 5 3

wK J 9 2 wQ 6


xA K Q 10 8

uQ J 4

vQ 9 6

wA 10

The bidding:


1x Pass 2x Pass

4x Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Four of v

Against South’s four spades, West leads the four of diamonds. Declarer can count nine tricks. Where should he look for the fulfilling trick?

One way would be to play to ruff a heart in dummy. However, that would involve not drawing trumps until after the ruff and he might fall victim to having one of his diamond winners ruffed away. Alternatively, declarer could play to establish the table’s long clubs, but he might ruff himself out of trumps in the attempt.

There is a simple but logical deduction that can be made from the opening lead — West does not hold both the ace and king of hearts. If he did, a high heart would have been led. Therefore, declarer wins the diamond in dummy and leads a heart. That might result in his setting up a heart winner by force, or by getting to ruff a heart on the table. Either way, that would be his tenth trick!

2012 Tribune Media Services