Forum has holiday flower show


A Holiday Flower Show sponsored by the Garden Forum of Greater Youngstown took place in November at the Davis Center.

Judges were Joyce Dunbar, Beverly Patrick and Dianna Mullins.

Winning blue ribbons in the design section were Frances Kupec, Mahoning Garden Club; Colleen Smith, Ikebana; Sheila Bowman and Esther Bertch, Nature Lovers; and Joyce Dunbar, Gleaners.

Forum’s special award for design went to Bowman.

In the craft section, blue ribbon winners were Mary Lou Flere, Gleaners; Smith, Ikebana and Mary Mihalick, Nature Lovers.

Winners in horticulture were Mary Schall, Austintown; Karen Cabraja, Ikebana; Dunbar, Gleaners; Peggy Potts, Johnny Appleseed; and Anne Ellis and Esther Bertch, Nature Lovers.