Neither vulnerable. East deals.


x9 7 3

u9 8 6 5

vQ J 4 2

w8 7


xK Q J 5 xA 10 8 4 2

uVoid uA 4

v9 8 7 5 v6 3

wJ 6 5 4 3 wK Q 10 2



uK Q J 10 7 3 2

vA K 10

wA 9

The bidding:


1x Dbl 4x Pass

Pass 5u Pass Pass


Opening lead: King of x

Here’s another deal from Eddie Kantar’s award-winning series “Thinking Bridge,” designed for players who would like to improve their game.

South is too strong to overcall two hearts, opting instead to double, intending jump to four hearts to show a monster hand. However, things seldom work out as planned. West’s jump to four spades, the fly in the ointment, is pre-emptive. Jump raises by responder after a takeout double, are pre-emptive — with strong responding hands (11-plus high-card points), responder redoubles first. Also, a jump to two no trump over a double shows a limit raise in partner’s suit. It is not natural. With a normal two no trump response, responder redoubles first (the “Jordan Convention,” very popular).

Defensive commentary. When a defender can see what needs to be done to defeat a contract, he should do it! East knows that South has at most one spade and there is some danger of losing a club trick on dummy’s fourth diamond after the ace of hearts is dislodged, East smartly overtakes the king of spades and shifts to his own black king. When in with the ace of hearts East cashes the queen of clubs, the setting trick.

Do not ask partner to do for you what you can do yourself — even if it means overtaking partner’s trick. It only hurts for a little while!

2012 Tribune Media Services