

Both vulnerable. North deals.


xQ 9 5


vA 9 8

wK Q J 7 3 2


xA J 6 3 2 x8

u7 uK J 9 8 6 5 2

vK Q 10 v7 5 4

wA 10 9 5 w6 4


xK 10 7 4

uQ 10 4 3

vJ 6 3 2


The bidding:


1w Pass 1u 1x

3w Pass 3NT Pass

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: King of v

The advantage of having all your assets in view is of immense help to declarer. Conversely, having half your side’s values concealed can cause the defense great hardship.

North’s invitational jump rebid presented South with a major bidding problem. A pass has much to recommend it, but South elected to try three no trump.

West attacked with the king of diamonds, and declarer was not too happy with the dummy that hit the table. Add the ten of clubs to the North hand, however, and three no trump would have much better play.

There were about five fast tricks available, and a finesse of the nine of spades was likely to produce a sixth. Still, there were chances. Declarer’s first move was to duck the opening lead in dummy and falsecard with the six from hand. This simple maneuver convinced West that his opening lead had struck gold, and the defender continued with the queen.

Dummy’s ace won, the king of clubs was allowed to hold, and West captured the continuation of the queen with the ace. West reverted to diamonds, and a delighted declarer won with the jack to find the suit breaking evenly. After cashing the long diamond for a spade discard from the table, a spade was led. West followed low, and dummy’s queen won. Declarer now cashed the jack of clubs, then threw West in with the remaining club. No matter what the defender did, the ace of spades would be the defenders’ fourth and last trick!

2012 Tribune Media Services