Both vulnerable. West deals.


xA K J 9 4

uA K Q 3 2

v7 6 5



x3 xQ 2

u6 5 4 uJ 10 8 7

vA K Q J v10 3 2

wK 6 4 3 2 wJ 9 8 5


x10 8 7 6 5


v9 8 4

wA Q 10 7

The bidding:


1v 2v Pass 3x

Pass 4w Pass 4x

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: King of v

We continue with another deal from Eddie Kantar’s excellent series “Thinking Bridge,” designed for players anxious to improve their game.

If ever there was a hand that should open one diamond with four diamonds and five clubs, this is it. The diamonds are strong, the clubs weak and there is no satisfactory rebid if West opens one club and partner responds one spade, the likely response. The hand is not strong enough to reverse into diamonds; rebidding one no trump with a low singleton is frowned upon in the best circles; and rebidding an anemic five-card suit is not good bridge. How much easier to open one diamond and rebid two clubs. Also, if partner is on lead, surely a diamond is the preferred lead.

North’s two-diamond cue-bid (Michaels) shows 5-5 in the majors with 7-11 high-card points, or 15-17 high-card points. (With 12-14 HCP, North bids both suits.) South assumes the weaker range unless North shows extra strength by bidding again. South has more than enough to leap to three spades, invitational, knowing of a 10-card spade fit.

After West cashes three diamonds, the only hope to defeat the contract is to find partner with the trump queen. Furthermore, if partner has Q x in spades, West has to play a fourth diamond now! When there are absolutely no tricks coming from the side suits, the defender on lead should give a ruff and sluff. A ruff and sluff often leads to a trump promotion.

To find out more about “Thinking Bridge” and other Kantar writings, go to

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