

Weekly Quiz Answers

Q. East-West vulnerable, as South you hold:

xK 9 8 uK 10 7 5 vQ 9 8 5 4 2 wVoid

The bidding has proceeded:


1w 1u ?

What do you bid now?

A. With a weak hand and a void in partner’s suit, any bid you make is fraught with danger. Pass, and see what develops.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA K Q 9 8 5 uVoid vK 7 4 wJ 9 8 6

The bidding has proceeded:


1w 1u ?

What do you bid now?

A. You must tell partner that you are interested in slam if he has the right hand, and you might need to bid slowly to find out. Start by trying to set the suit with a simple response of one spade and then show your power next.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

x10 7 6 2 uJ 9 6 5 vK 7 wA 10 9

The bidding his proceeded:


1x Dbl ?

What action do you take?

A. By and large, at low levels ignore an opponent’s takeout double and make the same response you would have made had he passed. Accordingly, raise to two spades, telling partner of your fit and showing some values.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xK 6 uA 8 vA 10 7 6 5 3 2 wJ 9

The bidding has proceeded:


1u Pass 2v Pass

2u Pass ?

What do you bid now?

A. You have the values for game, and if you held a third heart you would have enough to jump to four hearts. However, with only a doubleton heart we would be a trifle careful and be satisfied with a raise to three hearts.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA K Q 10 7 4 3 u10 vA 9 7 wJ 9

What is your opening bid?

A. We don’t believe in major-suit pre-empts when holding an outside ace as well as a solid trump suit. Open one spade and don’t stop bidding the suit thereafter.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

x10 8 7 2 u10 7 6 4 3 vJ 9 7 w6

The bidding has proceeded:


1w Pass Pass 1v

2v Pass ?

What action do you take?

A. Partner has a big hand and he wants to compete. With support for both major suits and a singleton in opener’s suit, you are ready to do business. Start with two hearts and don’t stop short of game if partner shows any further signs of life.

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