

Neither vulnerable. East deals.


xA K J 8 3

u6 3 2

vA 7

wK 6 3


xQ 7 4 x10 9 6

u10 9 5 uJ 8

vJ 9 3 vQ 10 6

wA Q 8 7 wJ 10 9 5 4


x5 2

uA K Q 7 4

vK 8 5 4 2


The bidding:


Pass 1u Pass 1x

Pass 2v Pass 3w

Pass 3v Pass 3u

Pass 4w Pass 4v

Pass 4u Pass 4x

Pass 5u Pass 6u

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Four of x

This deal is from last year’s European Women’s Championship between defending champions France and Hungary. The French reached four hearts in three rounds of bidding and made 12 tricks.

The Hungarian auction took longer than the play. The first three bids were natural. East’s three clubs was fourth-suit forcing and four clubs and four diamonds were both cue-bids. By agreement four spades was Roman Key-Card Blackwood and five hearts showed two key cards and the queen of trumps. Six hearts became the final contract.

West led the four of spades, taken with dummy’s ace. A heart to the ace provided an entry to the closed hand for the lead of the deuce of clubs. West rose with the ace and switched to the three of diamonds. Declarer won in hand, crossed to the king of spades and ruffed a spade. When the queen appeared, declarer drew trumps and 12 tricks rolled in.

Hungary’s moment of glory was short-lived. France won the match with room to spare and went on to retain their title.

2011 Tribune Media Services