Ikebana will have a repeat of the October lesson with Pearl Marlos as instructor.
Men’s Garden Club will have its monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Fellows Riverside Gardens. The featured speaker will be Sara Greir, and her topic will be the history of agriculture in the Mahoning Valley area. All men are welcome.
St. Charles’ topic will be Christmas bulb art. There also will be a book donation for Beeghly Children’s Hospital. New books are requested for ages 3 to 7. Hostesses are Carol Gromada, Helen Hamrock and Kate Jankiewicz.
Sweetbriar will make a fresh Christmas arrangement with instructor Marge Bielawsi. Hostess is Shirley Megown, and co-hostess is Irene Smart.
Garden club events are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.