Child-support debtors offered deal to regain driver’s licenses

Staff report


During November, Mahoning County residents whose driver’s licenses have been suspended due to nonpayment of child support can have those licenses reinstated by paying one month’s support plus $1 toward the arrearage.

The program was announced to the county commissioners Thursday by Robert E. Bush Jr., county Job and Family Services director.

To take advantage of the program, made possible by a new state law, child support debtors should visit a license-suspension case manager at the county child-support enforcement agency in Oakhill Renaissance Place, 345 Oak Hill Ave., between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. business days.

Debtors must then present the reinstatement form they receive from CSEA to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles reinstatement center at 242 W. Federal St. together with a $25 reinstatement fee.

“They can get reinstated, and they’ve got 90 days to work” and improve their finances without the risk of another suspension, Bush told the commissioners.