Ebony Lifeline All-sports banquet

Ebony Lifeline All-sports banquet

When: Friday, 6:30-10 p.m.

Where: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Social Hall, Youngstown.

Inductees: Ronnie “Sly” Jones, Sonia Medina and Jackie Rios-Jackson (baseball); Melvin Watkins (basketball/author); Kevin Douglas (basketball); Barbara Cooper and Donald Shaw (bowling); James Fortune and Shorty Navarro (community service); Phillip Harris (football); Calvin Harrison (golf, football, baseball); Robert Alexander (track); and Merrill Harris (track/field official).

Tickets: Price is $30; available at L.E. Black, Phillips & Holden Funeral Home and F.D. Mason Funeral Home or by calling Bob Thomas (330) 261-1825 or Pat Traylor (330) 792-0234.

Emcee: Tarone Claybrooke.