Go back to the way we were

Go back to the way we were

All the things that are hap- pening today are directly related to people turning away from God and relying on their own wisdom and greed. Everyone is either part of the solution or part of the problem. We are not to favor the rich or the poor but to hold all people accountable for their actions.

People are occupying Wall Street instead of going to Washington, D.C., to protest the gross ineptitude of the leaders who were elected by the same people who are complaining about them.

The government has one set of rules for themselves and another set of rules for everyone else. They tell people not to live above their means, pay off their debts and make sacrifices, and then they do the exact opposite.

Anyone who has been in this life for a while remembers when things were different. Years ago people went to church, loved God and honored their neighbors. When the people turned away from God everything changed slowly but surely. Just as medications many times treat the symptom and not the disease the nation is forgetting the real problem of separation from God.

If people would stop complaining and rebelling against what they can’t change and started to do what they can do to change their own lives they would see a difference in their lives and in the lives of those that live around them.

People should learn to do with less and be content with what they have instead of complaining what they don’t have and how it used to be.

Leo Feher, Youngstown