

East-West vulnerable. South deals.


xK Q 5

uA J 6

vA 7 6

wK 9 8 5


xA J 10 2 x9 8 7 6 4 3

u9 4 3 2 uQ 10 8

vQ 10 8 v5 4 3 2

w4 3 wVoid



uK 7 5

vK J 9

wA Q J 10 7 6 2

The bidding:


1w Pass 3NT Pass

6w Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Three of w

Not very scientific. North’s three no trump response shows the values of a strong one no trump opening bid and South takes a reasonable flyer at six clubs, on this deal from Eddie Kantar’s “Thinking Bridge” series.

“It’s never much fun leading against a slam facing two strong hands. A club is the most passive lead, the ace of spades the most aggressive.

“As South, you have two possible losers, one in each red suit. Both suits offer finesse possibilities, and if you take both finesses you have a 75-percent chance of landing your contract. However, do not overlook dummy’s spades. Dummy has the second- and third-ranking spades facing a void, the ideal setup for a loser-on-loser play. Draw trumps, ending in dummy, and lead the king of spades. If it is covered, ruff, and now you can discard one red-suit loser on the queen of spades and take a finesse in the other red suit for an overtrick.

“If East plays low on the king of spades, discard a heart (say). After West wins the ace of spades, you can discard a diamond on the queen of spades. This is a 100-percent play.

“Tip: There are many, many occasions where you can use a loser-on-loser play. All you need is the second- and third-ranking cards in one hand facing a void in the other. The second- and third-ranking could be the 9 8 facing a void. How’s that again? Well, if four of the five top honors have already been played, the 9 8 are the second- and third-ranking cards left in the suit. And if they are facing a void, a loser-on-loser play may beckon.”

2011 Tribune Media Services