

Both vulnerable. North deals.



u10 9 4

v8 7 5 3 2

wA 9 5 3


xA 9 8 5 3 xQ J 10 7 2

uQ 7 6 5 2 uJ 3

vK J vQ 6 4

wQ w8 7 6


xK 6

uA K 8

vA 10 9

wK J 10 4 2

The bidding:


Pass Pass 1w 1x

Pass 3x Dbl Pass

5w Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Ace of x

This deal is from a match between Great Britain and France at the World Junior Championships some time ago. At both tables, after the lead of the ace of spades and a shift to the queen of trumps, the declarers went down. However, the contract can be made. Can you find the way?

There is a temptation to draw a second round of trumps, but resist! Win the trump shift in hand, cash the ace and king of hearts, discard dummy’s heart loser on the king of spades and ruff a heart high. Now cash the ace of diamonds and exit with a diamond.

West wins and, down to nothing but major-suit cards, he is helpless. You can ruff any return on the table with the high nine of trumps, discarding your last diamond, and claim the rest of the tricks. No problem as long as you realize the power of dummy’s nine of clubs and do not allow East to overruff the third heart.

2011Tribune Media Services