Neither vulnerable. South deals.


x7 6 2

uK 9 2

vA J

wQ 9 6 5 4


x9 8 4 3 xJ

uA 10 4 uQ J 6 5

v7 6 3 vK Q 10 8 4

wA 10 2 wJ 7 3


xA K Q 10 5

u8 7 3

v9 5 2

wK 8

The bidding:


1x Pass 1NT Pass

2v Pass 3x Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Ace of u

Study the bidding and hand diagram and decide: How many tricks should declarer make after the lead of the ace of hearts?

It would seem that the defenders have four tricks — one in each minor and two hearts. Can either side do better?

Suppose you attack with the ace of hearts and continue with the ten, ducked all round. Continue with a third round, won on the board. To avoid losing a second diamond trick, declarer must plan to ruff a diamond, so he cashes a high trump, crosses to the ace of diamonds and exits with a diamond.

East wins the second diamond and continues with a fourth round of hearts and, whether declarer ruffs high or low, West comes to a trump trick either via an overruff or, if declarer trumps high, by force. Down one.

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