HELOISE: Can’t have full-time pet? Try fostering
Dear Heloise: In The Charlotte (Florida) Sun, an older lady was wondering about available financial help if she adopted a pet. She was concerned that should the pet need medical care, she wouldn’t be able to afford it. She is 70, lonely and yearning for a pet. Here in Charlotte County, Fla., the local pet shelter is asking for foster homes for puppies and kittens, and also for older pets that have had a surgery or are in ill health and need a quiet place to recuperate. They say that kittens and puppies that have been socialized in private homes are much more adoptable. So maybe Annette in Oregon could check with her local pet shelter to see if it has a program like this. The shelter provides all necessary equipment to care for the pet. She could shower all sorts of love on these animals at no cost.
Jane in Port Charlotte, Fla.
Good advice, and I should have thought of it! Thank you for writing this heart hint. Does anyone have other hints for someone who might not be able to have a pet full time?
Dear Readers: Judith W. of Flemington, N.J., sent a picture of her gorgeous German shepherd, Annie, cozied up to Judith’s half-Siamese cat, Punim. Both are snuggled on a warm mat on the floor. To see Annie and Punim, along with our other Pet Pals, visit www.Heloise.com and click on “Pets.”
Dear Readers: If your dog bowl is encrusted with lime-scale buildup, here is an easy fix: Heat some white vinegar and carefully pour it into the bowl. Allow the vinegar to bubble up and eat the lime scale away. If you would like some more helpful, money-saving vinegar hints, I have compiled a collection of my favorite vinegar uses. To receive this pamphlet, send $5 with a long, self-addressed, stamped (61 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Keep a clearly labeled spray bottle with half vinegar and half water handy. Spray down your counters periodically and wipe to keep ants at bay.
Dear Heloise: I’d like to add to the dog-walking hints a reader offered. Because dogs “see” the world primarily with their noses, allow them the pleasure of snoop-time. They will enjoy the walk that much more if it’s a stop-and-smell activity. Also, I alternate between several routes. My dogs seem to enjoy the variety as much as I do, and they get to check the latest “news” from different neighborhoods.
Rich F. in Youngstown, Ohio
Dear Heloise: I would like to share a timesaver. I have a carport, and the birds love to roost over my car, which causes the bird droppings to drop on my car. What I do is hang up neckties and any kind of belts (to scare away the birds. — Heloise). Really helps, and saves a lot of spot washing.
L.F.C. in Indiana
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.
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